Local Foods Connection Blog

Local foods, hunger relief, sustainable agriculture

Meet LFC > Installment Four November 19, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — caroline@LFC @ 11:14 am
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1.    What is your name?


2.    Where were you born and where have you lived?

Born in: New Port Beach, CA… lived outside of Waco, TX and in Clear Lake, IA

3.    Who are your favorite heroes of fiction (books/movies/songs) or real life?


4.    What can’t you live without in your refrigerator or cupboard?

FRUIT of various kinds

5.    What kind of work do you do with Local Foods Connection?

Clerical, Reception, Farm

6.    What is your most marked characteristic?


7.    What led you to an interest in local foods?

Interest in environmental awareness

8.    What was your favorite food as a child?


9.    How do you spend your time outside of Local Foods Connection?

VP Recruitment of Alpha Epsilon Phi, Pre-pharmacy student, babysitting/working elsewhere

10.    What is your motto?

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.


Meet LFC: Installment Three October 7, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — caroline@LFC @ 1:19 pm
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1. What is your name?


2. Where were you born and where have you lived?

I was born in Des Moines, Iowa, but I have lived in a variety of places, depending on the definition of “live.”  I’ve lived in many of the suburbs of Des Moines (and I’ll just consider Ankeny a suburb here, which will probably annoy Ankenyites!); Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Fort Lee, Virginia; Olympia, Washington; Marion, Iowa; and now Mount Vernon, Iowa.  I’d like to consider the barracks in which I spent three weeks in Kaiserslautern, Germany as home, too, although I think that is stretching the definition of live.

3. Who are your favorite heroes of fiction (books/movies/songs) or real life?

I can’t say that I really have favorite “heroes,” as I tend to be a very down to earth person with no heroes.  I admire people, but certainly not to the point of hero-worship.  As for people I’d admire – every person who has gone up against great odds to accomplish something for this world (Rosa Parks, Abigail Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Charlotte Gilman, Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglass, Jane Addams, Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, and the list goes on), people who write books that I am able to delve into and enjoy from a variety of genres (Jacqueline Carey, Melanie Rawn, J.R.R. Tolkein, Tad Williams, Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb, Robert Jordan, and more), a lot of the people in those books give me something to admire and strive for (way too many to list), the fictional character Lorelei Gilmore from Gilmore Girls (I, too, was a young single parent), and really any person who strives to better the environment around them (the social environment, the physical environment, the worldview).

I also really like the character Joe Flannigan plays on Stargate: Atlantis.  What can I say?  I’m a geek.

4. What can’t you live without in your refrigerator or cupboard?

Ingredients!  I remember when I was growing up – I used to take a peek in the pantry, wrinkle my nose, and say, “Mom!  There’s nothing but ingredients in here!”  Now, I love to have non-bleached all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, bran, sugar, and the list goes on.  I know that at any second I can make homemade mashed potatoes, bread, or more.

Even better is to have food in my refrigerator/cupboard that I grew myself or received from someone who grew it themselves.  There’s just something about biting into a delicious carrot and knowing that I grew it in my backyard.  The applesauce that my mother-in-law canned from apples on her brother’s farm is the best applesauce I’ve ever tasted.  I can’t wait until I learn to can!

5. What kind of work do you do with Local Foods Connection?

I like to help out however I can (which recently has been not at all – sorry LFC!), as much as I can, when I can.  I’ve helped in the office, I’ve made suggestions when I’ve had them, I’ve worked on the farm, I’ve contacted volunteers, I’ve spread the word about LFC around as many places as I can, and I’ve called clients to ask them how they are doing.  Some of those I’ve done once (calling volunteers), and some of them I’ve done more than once.  All in all, anything that I can do to help LFC makes me happier.

6. What is your most marked characteristic?

I wasn’t quite sure what my most marked characteristic would be, so I asked a variety of people.

My husband:  “Strength of will.”

My best friend: “I’d say your desire for things to be orderly and controlled.  Or your lack of tolerance for ignorance/laziness.”

My sister’s boyfriend: “Empathy.  Definitely empathy.”

My answer, by the way, would have been “stubbornness.”

7. What led you to an interest in local foods?

I was browsing http://www.localharvest.org and looking for a variety of sources for meat (I am a flexitarian [mostly vegetarian], and most of the meat that I do allow myself to eat comes from local farms and I have stringent requirements).  While browsing and thinking to myself that the website was awesome, I came across Local Foods Connections entry.


I went to the website and sent Laura an e-mail asking how I could help!

8. What was your favorite food as a child?

Green bean casserole, all the way.

9. How do you spend your time outside of Local Foods Connection?

I have two children so I spend a lot of time with them.  I also (currently) work in a psychology lab at the University of Iowa where I am a full-time student.  I will (hopefully) graduate with honors in psychology in December.  I love to garden, scrapbook, take photos, read books, watch movies, play World of Warcraft (I told you, geek!), take my husband’s motorcycle out, and so much more.  I’d say I’m definitely an adrenaline junky, so if I didn’t have two young kids, I’d probably be doing things that didn’t sound so boring. 😉

10. What is your motto?

Eleanor Roosevelt said something at some point that sounded like this, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”  I keep that in mind at all times as I’m going through life.  Second, “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”  Even though this quote sounds a little obsessive (and I don’t know who said it or in what context), I keep in mind on those days that I’m feeling like I make no impact, that I have helped in little ways that have changed other people’s lives and my own.  I do have an impact, even though it may be a tiny one.

So my motto is probably something like “Live hard, play hard, work hard, help hard, and keep your chin up.” Yeah.  That’ll do it.


Meet LFC: Installment Two September 30, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — caroline@LFC @ 8:57 am
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Greetings!  This is Caroline here.  As you may recall, back on August 12th we featured our first installment of “Meet LFC.”  If you missed the post, you can check it out here.

As I explained then, we at LFC thought this “Meet LFC” feature would be a great way for our readers to get to know the over 200 people who make up Local Foods Connection; this collection of volunteers, clients, and farmers work together to make the magic of LFC happen.  Everyone comes to LFC for a different reason and with a different story.  “Meet LFC,” then, is a place where you can read about some of those stories and personalities.

With that in mind, I’m happy to introduce you to volunteer Monika.  Monika recently moved off to Brooklyn to spread the gospel of food security from the east coast inward.  Nonetheless, she remains a friend of LFC!

1.      What is your name?

2.      Where were you born and where have you lived?
I was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Fairfield, IA. I graduated with a degree in Political Science and German from the University of Iowa in Iowa City, and was fortunate enough to live a year in Southern Germany.

3.      How long have you been working with Local Foods Connection?
Since last October.

4.      Who are your favorite heroes of fiction (books/movies/songs)?
Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

5.      Who are your favorite heroes in real life?
My mom, my dad, my sister and my brother. I have these friends who bring up ideas I never would have considered, and smart, thoughtful cousins, aunts and uncles.

6.      What is your favorite food or meal?
Lots of cilantro in a bowl or on a plate, and jalapenos. I toss them in the oven with a little olive oil and sea salt for 15 minutes. For friends you can put them on a stick like a hot lollipop. They pair well with cold beer.

7.      What is the quality you most admire in another person?
Being considerate.

8.      What can’t you live without in your refrigerator or cupboard?

9.      What do you like most about the work you do with Local Foods Connection?
Every person I have met through Local Foods Connection has enhanced my understanding of how a community works. The nature of Laura Dowd’s non-profit has attracted experienced, skilled people in areas ranging from farming and other local businesses, social work, and political activism.

10.  What is your most marked characteristic?
Fast talker.

11.  What is your first food memory?
Being terribly confused by diet soda.

12.  What kind of work do you do with Local Foods Connection?
Anything Laura needs done is time well spent. Specifically, I got to work on the distribution of Thanksgiving turkeys from Henry J.C. and Ila Miller’s farm in Kalona to LFC clients as well as producing LFC organic bgreen t-shirts.

13.  What is your favorite thing about eastern Iowa?
The hills, or that you notice hills here.

14.  What led you to an interest in local foods?
Questions about why food travelled from other places to my town. Could it not be grown here? What were the obstacles? Who benefits from local food? I’m finding out that it is not only possible, but more efficient to grow food in and around our cities.

15.  What is your dream of happiness?
That everyone would know what it feels like.

16.  What was your favorite food as a child?

17.  How do you spend your time outside of Local Foods Connection?
Thinking about Local Foods Connection.

18.  What foods do you most dislike?

19.  What natural gift would you most like to possess?
I would like to be better at Math.

20.  What is your favorite cookbook?
I cannot remember the last time I used a cookbook. It seems more important to maintain a focus from concept to plate on who you are cooking for and why.

21.  What is your motto?
“Screwing things up is a virtue. Being correct is never the point. I have an almost fanatically correct assistant, and by the time she re-spells my words and corrects my punctuation, I can’t read what I wrote. Being right can stop all the momentum of a very interesting idea.” -Robert Rauschenberg